Repayment Difference Calculator

Introducing a valuable tool for individuals nearing the end of their fixed loan terms – the essential calculator that addresses a common challenge. 

How to calculate what your repayments are going to be when your fixed rate loan comes to an end.

Get in Touch with GA Finance

At GA, we understand the frustration of encountering refinancing situations where the current market’s best interest rates still fall significantly higher (by 2-3%) than the fixed rates secured in 2020 and 2021.

To help you transition your budget smoothly, we have developed this specialised calculator. It is a valuable resource to help you plan for the inevitable increase in repayments and make informed financial decisions.

If you need more help or more information, please don’t hesitate to contact the experienced team at GA. We are here to support you every step of the way.

GA Finance is committed to working for you and our clients’  best interests and ensuring you not only receive the best products in market, but ultimately enjoy the experience of working with a professional broker.

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